Array ( [category] => Array ( [212] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Techniques Applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [66] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & Articles Heating/Dehumidification [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [250] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Rocks [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [254] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%site name%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [238] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pool Items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [248] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Garden Furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [244] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles People [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [246] => Array ( [wpseo_title] = > Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles People Garden [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [242] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Shade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [252] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Timber [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [236] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Garden Lighting [wpseo_focuskw] => Garden Lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [69] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Architectural proposals [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [258] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Landscape Architecture Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [93] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [260] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media about the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles NEWS [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [77] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BUSINESS Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [68] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles POOL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [266] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & articles GENERAL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [79] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Acqua Source ) [87] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories . Aqua Center Articles ) [85] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Aquaspot Articles ) [91] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Balkan General Services ) [78] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Ceresit ) [88] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Chemofluid ) [86] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Filpro Articles ) [82] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Kourtesis water spa center ) [214] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Macon Articles ) [92] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Master pool & spa ) [90] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Azul ) [80] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Oggi ) [89] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscines Ideales ) [240] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool About Salon ) [84] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Renovat Articles ) [216] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Sika Articles ) [18] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [331] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Videos ) [405] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles World Market ) [268] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Your Aqua Spot ) [424] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles ARCHITECTURE ) [264] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Exhibitions ) [70] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Water Treatment ) [72] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. Articles Construction and sale of patios ) [64 ] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Construction and trade of swimming pools ) [256] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Articles ) [478] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming ) [270] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pools ) [262] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA , the garden & their accessories. New Market Articles ) [74] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Environment Articles ) [71] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Regional products / Services ) [425] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool/SPA ) [329] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Offers ) [76] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Pool construction stages ) [75] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Interviews ) [65] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool Maintenance ) [426] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Landscape ) [83] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrothermal ) [81] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrocosmotechniki ) [427] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Lighting ) [73] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Pool lighting ) [1] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [99] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) ) [term_translations] => Array ( [213 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [147] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [251] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [255] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [235] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [239 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [249] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [245] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [247] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [243] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [253 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [237] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [143] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [259] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [142] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [261 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [146] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [152] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [267] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [201] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [195 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [209] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [187] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [189] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [183] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [179 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [193] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [197] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [191] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [233] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [181 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [171] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [173] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [175] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [277] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [289 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [279] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [219] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [292] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [221] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [223 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [281] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [225] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [294] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [312] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [300 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [326] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [334] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [205] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [354] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [336 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [358] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [378] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [392] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [342] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [372 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [346] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) ) [business_categories] => Array ( [200] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [194] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Swimming pool lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [208] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [186] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool & Architecture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [188] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online pool, SPA, garden & accessories business Water Treatment [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [182] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Heating-Dehumidification Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [178] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Construction Swimming pool trade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [192] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for the swimming pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Businesses Construction Trade patios [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [196] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Environment [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [190] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Regional products / Services [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [232] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Companies Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [180] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool Maintenance [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [170] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Trading of spa services and products [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [174] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Sauna-Whirlpool-Hamam businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [325] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Special applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [204] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Garden furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [353] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Repairs - Swimming pool insulation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [357] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Waterproofing-Protection Companies [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [423] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Business Water transportation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [297] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Business %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep% % %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 32 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [274] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. SPA Businesses ) [351] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Spa Businesses & Architecture ) [393] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Businesses %%term_title%% Spa %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories Businesses Spa Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [397] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses ARCHITECTURE ) [399] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool/SPA Businesses ) [401] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Landscape Businesses ) [403] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [202] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Landscape Architecture ) [301] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Wood Businesses ) [387] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Outdoor wooden floors ) [327] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Businesses Peripheral products ) [303] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Stones ) [305] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Shade businesses ) [385] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Outdoor synthetic floors ) [383] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Synthetic Turf ) [307] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [166] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Swimming Pool Businesses ) [210] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Insulation Businesses ) [198] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Hotels ) [272] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories POOL Businesses ) [428] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Anti-slip Pool-SPA Businesses ) [355] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Tiles - Glass tiles - Edges ) [349] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Pool Shelter Businesses ) [361] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Fountain Businesses ) [365] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Water Parks - Games ) [369] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Chemicals Businesses ) [359] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool colors ) [363] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business TECHNOLOGIES ) [395] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Business Alternative Energy Sources ) [407] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Water Analysis Laboratories ) ) [product_cat] => Array ( [276] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Sauna Products [wpseo_linkdex ] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [288] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [278] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [218] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [291] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool enclosures [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [220] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Products Pumps & filtration [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [222] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [280] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Products Lighting Systems [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [224] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Automation - Dosers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [293] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & accessories Products Water Parks - Pool Games [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [311] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Products %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% % %sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BBQ products [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [335] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most reliable online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Cleaning Products - Robotics [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [377] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. 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Products Softening Processors [wpseo_linkdex] => -2 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [447] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Desalination Products [wpseo_linkdex] => -9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [448] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools , the SPA, the garden & their accessories UV-LAMP products [wpseo_linkdex] => -2 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [449] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Uncategorized ) [309] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. GARDEN Products ) [315] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & the their accessories. Garden Furniture Products ) [317] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Wood Products ) [381] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Outdoor wooden floors ) [319] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Stone Products ) [321] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Shading Products ) [375] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Outdoor synthetic floors ) [373] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Synthetic lawns ) [323] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Lighting ) [389] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products TECHNOLOGIES ) [282] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories SPA Products ) [286] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Hydromassage Products ) [284] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. their accessories. Products Steam generators ) [451] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. 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Everything about the pool, the SPA, the garden and their accessories...

Turn your yard into a wonderful oasis


Turn your yard into a wonderful oasis

20 ideas to decorate your yard

Discover inspiring ideas for pergolas that allow you to make your yard as beautiful as the interior of the house.

Just because you prefer the shade to the sun doesn't mean you have to stay indoors. Pergolas with lush plants and trellises that look like sculptures are not only beautiful to look at. They are also extremely useful because they protect from the sun's dangerous rays while at the same time allowing the cool breeze to cool us. Great views are also guaranteed, be it a blooming garden or a lovely swimming pool. The only thing missing: a refreshing drink and a good book.

Whether you want to create a new room in your outdoor space, or just to protect yourself from the sun, we have collected for you 25 different, but wonderful ideas that will transform your space.

1. Oasis in the city

A unique trellis, which provides shade and protection from prying eyes.


2. Modern pergola in the countryside 

Natural materials such as fieldstone and cedar help this modern room blend into its surroundings.


3. A pergola made for relaxation 

Pergola equipped with hanging daybeds, which create a relaxation area for family and friends.


4. Pergola friendly to your pocket

A pergola does not have to be an expensive affair like this construction with a bamboo roof.


5. Rich garden trellises 

A pergola can create a beautiful passageway to the outdoors. Here, the structure is artfully balanced with the space, through a variety of plants that bloom all year round, while the ceiling vine provides just the right amount of light.


6. Pergola for an English-style dinner.

A construction that makes dinner in your garden even more personal and special.


7. The pergola at the edge of the pool

Of course you can add umbrellas to the area around the pool, but why not shade the area with a traditional pergola?


8. Pergola with mountain view

A simple construction that can make the outside look like a room. The functional fireplace fills the space in the most special way.


9. New England Pergola

Using recycled and untreated materials, the pergola will look as if it has always been there. 


10. Pergola covered with arbor 

The addition of climbing plants, such as ivy, makes the pergola seem like a harmonious continuation of the garden.


11. Well designed roof

Choose materials that combine with the architecture of your home. This steel and glass structure forms a kind of skylight, which houses the staircase leading to the outer room. Emphasis is mainly placed on natural materials such as copper, limestone and wood.


12. The minimalist pergola 

Pergola in simple lines of steel and glass, perfectly harmonized with the architecture of the house.


13. Panoramic pergola 

A pergola that puts the endless blue in the most charming frame. 


14. Tropical trellis

Hang plants from the trellis ceiling to enhance the green atmosphere. A trellis covered with an arbor covers the outdoor dining area, while in the background the house looks like a work of art.


15. Modern pergola 

Choose a simple pergola to let the beauty of the landscape shine. 


16. Shade for the terrace

Even small and narrow spaces can benefit from the addition of a small pergola. In the photo, the columns covered with climbing plants stand out in a wonderful way.


17. The well-equipped pergola

A pergola can have all the comforts of an indoor space, from sofas to a fireplace. In the photo, the table made of recycled wood is located near a wood-fired oven.


18. Outdoor dining by the pool

Use the pergola to separate the outdoor spaces. Cover the outdoor dining area next to the pool with the pergola.


19. Pergola with the sea as a background

For a unified, modern look, choose furniture that reflects the architecture of the pergola. The pergola-dining area offers an unobstructed view of the sea.


20. The pergola roof

Make the most of your pergola by installing lighting and transform it into the most beautiful dining area.


21. Outdoor living room 

If you live in a warm climate, use the pergola as an advantage to enjoy the outdoor space of the house.


22. The artist's verdant dining room

Tolix type chairs from 1930, around the hand-made table, under the all-plant pergola.



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