Array ( [category] => Array ( [212] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Techniques Applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [66] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & Articles Heating/Dehumidification [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [250] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Rocks [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [254] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%site name%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [238] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pool Items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [248] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Garden Furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [244] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles People [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [246] => Array ( [wpseo_title] = > Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles People Garden [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [242] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Shade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [252] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Timber [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [236] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Garden Lighting [wpseo_focuskw] => Garden Lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [69] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Architectural proposals [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [258] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Landscape Architecture Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [93] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [260] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media about the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles NEWS [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [77] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BUSINESS Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [68] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles POOL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [266] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & articles GENERAL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [79] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Acqua Source ) [87] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories . Aqua Center Articles ) [85] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Aquaspot Articles ) [91] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Balkan General Services ) [78] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Ceresit ) [88] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Chemofluid ) [86] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Filpro Articles ) [82] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Kourtesis water spa center ) [214] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Macon Articles ) [92] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Master pool & spa ) [90] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Azul ) [80] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Oggi ) [89] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscines Ideales ) [240] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool About Salon ) [84] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Renovat Articles ) [216] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Sika Articles ) [18] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [331] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Videos ) [405] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles World Market ) [268] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Your Aqua Spot ) [424] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles ARCHITECTURE ) [264] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Exhibitions ) [70] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Water Treatment ) [72] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. Articles Construction and sale of patios ) [64 ] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Construction and trade of swimming pools ) [256] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Articles ) [478] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming ) [270] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pools ) [262] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA , the garden & their accessories. New Market Articles ) [74] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Environment Articles ) [71] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Regional products / Services ) [425] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool/SPA ) [329] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Offers ) [76] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Pool construction stages ) [75] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Interviews ) [65] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool Maintenance ) [426] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Landscape ) [83] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrothermal ) [81] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrocosmotechniki ) [427] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Lighting ) [73] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Pool lighting ) [1] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [99] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) ) [term_translations] => Array ( [213 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [147] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [251] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [255] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [235] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [239 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [249] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [245] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [247] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [243] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [253 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [237] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [143] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [259] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [142] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [261 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [146] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [152] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [267] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [201] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [195 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [209] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [187] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [189] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [183] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [179 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [193] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [197] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [191] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [233] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [181 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [171] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [173] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [175] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [277] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [289 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [279] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [219] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [292] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [221] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [223 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [281] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [225] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [294] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [312] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [300 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [326] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [334] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [205] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [354] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [336 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [358] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [378] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [392] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [342] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [372 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [346] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) ) [business_categories] => Array ( [200] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [194] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Swimming pool lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [208] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [186] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool & Architecture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [188] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online pool, SPA, garden & accessories business Water Treatment [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [182] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Heating-Dehumidification Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [178] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Construction Swimming pool trade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [192] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for the swimming pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Businesses Construction Trade patios [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [196] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Environment [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [190] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Regional products / Services [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [232] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Companies Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [180] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool Maintenance [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [170] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Trading of spa services and products [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [174] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Sauna-Whirlpool-Hamam businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [325] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Special applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [204] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Garden furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [353] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Repairs - Swimming pool insulation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [357] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Waterproofing-Protection Companies [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [423] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Business Water transportation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [297] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Business %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep% % %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 32 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [274] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. SPA Businesses ) [351] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Spa Businesses & Architecture ) [393] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Businesses %%term_title%% Spa %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories Businesses Spa Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [397] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses ARCHITECTURE ) [399] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool/SPA Businesses ) [401] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Landscape Businesses ) [403] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [202] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Landscape Architecture ) [301] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Wood Businesses ) [387] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Outdoor wooden floors ) [327] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Businesses Peripheral products ) [303] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Stones ) [305] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Shade businesses ) [385] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Outdoor synthetic floors ) [383] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Synthetic Turf ) [307] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [166] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Swimming Pool Businesses ) [210] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Insulation Businesses ) [198] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Hotels ) [272] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories POOL Businesses ) [428] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Anti-slip Pool-SPA Businesses ) [355] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Tiles - Glass tiles - Edges ) [349] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Pool Shelter Businesses ) [361] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Fountain Businesses ) [365] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Water Parks - Games ) [369] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Chemicals Businesses ) [359] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool colors ) [363] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business TECHNOLOGIES ) [395] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Business Alternative Energy Sources ) [407] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Water Analysis Laboratories ) ) [product_cat] => Array ( [276] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Sauna Products [wpseo_linkdex ] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [288] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [278] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [218] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [291] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool enclosures [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [220] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Products Pumps & filtration [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [222] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [280] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Products Lighting Systems [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [224] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Automation - Dosers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [293] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & accessories Products Water Parks - Pool Games [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [311] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Products %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% % %sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BBQ products [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [335] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most reliable online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Cleaning Products - Robotics [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [377] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. 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Products Softening Processors [wpseo_linkdex] => -2 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [447] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Desalination Products [wpseo_linkdex] => -9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [448] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools , the SPA, the garden & their accessories UV-LAMP products [wpseo_linkdex] => -2 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [449] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Uncategorized ) [309] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. GARDEN Products ) [315] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & the their accessories. Garden Furniture Products ) [317] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Wood Products ) [381] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Outdoor wooden floors ) [319] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Stone Products ) [321] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Shading Products ) [375] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Outdoor synthetic floors ) [373] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Synthetic lawns ) [323] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Lighting ) [389] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products TECHNOLOGIES ) [282] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories SPA Products ) [286] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Hydromassage Products ) [284] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. their accessories. Products Steam generators ) [451] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Cabin control units ) [453] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Showers - Cabins ) [295] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. Products POOL ) [413] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Repair materials ) [379] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool liners ) [409] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online media for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Metal Pool Panels ) [339] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Edge - Tiles ) [ 411] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Polyester Pools ) [347] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Fountains ) [367] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Chemical Products ) [343] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool colors ) [452] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online media for the pool, SPA , the garden & their accessories. 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Everything about the pool, the SPA, the garden and their accessories...
The kids love the pool. It is a place where fun and exercise are combined. However, the safety of children must be a priority, especially in private pools. The aim of this guide is to provide tips and practices to ensure your children enjoy the pool safely.
Basic rules
Medical checkup: A medical check-up before the first swimming it is essential. This should include basic tests such as an electrocardiogram and an ultrasound of the heart to rule out potential health issues that could affect the child's safety in the pool.
Nutrition and Swimming: It is important that the child has not consumed heavy meals at least two to three hours before swimming. A light snack about 30 minutes before entering the water is ideal.
Frequency of use
Regular Exercise: Regular use of the pool enhances physical development and maintains the physical condition of the child. However, it is recommended that the duration of swimming does not exceed one continuous hour to avoid dehydration.
Pool Type Selection: Although outdoor pools are generally healthier due to exposure to fresh air, indoor pools provide the advantage of being used regardless of weather conditions.
Outdoor pool or indoor?
Certainly, open pools are considered healthier than closed ones, because the child is constantly in contact with fresh air, while - on the contrary - in closed ones, the pool's water vapor favors the transmission of germs and viruses. The negative of the open pool is, of course, that it cannot be used in the winter months, as a result of which the child loses contact with this particular exercise. However, there are experts who argue that if you have an outdoor pool, your children can use it even in winter, without any risk, since, when the child gets out of the pool, they have acquired such strong defenses that no matter how cold it is there is no danger of catching a cold at that moment, as long as it is wiped well.
Chlorine= danger?
The amount of chlorine present in a swimming pool is not dangerous for children's health. On the contrary, it protects them from fungi and germs and thus no skin disease is transmitted through the pool water. Sure chlorine can cause a little eye irritation and a slight drying of the skin (especially the tender skin of children) but if the pool is used wisely, there is no serious effect (except maybe ruining the bathing suits!)
To Avoid the Unexpected
Teach the child to swim from an early age.
When the child is near the pool and does not know how to swim, make sure he always wears a life jacket or armbands.
Never leave the child alone in the pool. An adult must always be with him.
Make sure that your child does not have access to the pool alone and make sure that the necessary rescue equipment is available in case of an accident (life jacket, rope, etc.).
Remove anything from the pool area that the child could use to climb and fall into the water.
Learn to apply first aid so that you can react properly in case of drowning.
Fence the entire area around the pool with continuous bars and install an audible alarm and infrared beams in or around the tank to ensure that any movement of the child can be detected.
Pool and children
A child can drown in less than 3 minutes.
A child who receives first aid immediately is five times more likely to be saved from drowning.
One of the biggest causes of drowning is panic. Teach your children from a young age not to be afraid of water so that they can handle whatever happens to them during swimming.
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