Array ( [category] => Array ( [212] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Techniques Applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [66] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & Articles Heating/Dehumidification [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [250] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Rocks [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [254] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%site name%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [238] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pool Items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [248] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Garden Furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [244] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles People [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [246] => Array ( [wpseo_title] = > Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles People Garden [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [242] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Shade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [252] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Timber [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [236] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Articles %%term_title%% Garden %%page%% %%sep%% %1 TP1Titename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Garden Lighting [wpseo_focuskw] => Garden Lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [69] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Architectural proposals [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [258] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Landscape Architecture Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [93] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Articles Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [260] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media about the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles NEWS [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [77] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BUSINESS Articles [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [68] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles POOL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [266] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & articles GENERAL [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [79] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Acqua Source ) [87] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories . Aqua Center Articles ) [85] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Aquaspot Articles ) [91] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Balkan General Services ) [78] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Ceresit ) [88] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Chemofluid ) [86] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Filpro Articles ) [82] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Kourtesis water spa center ) [214] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Macon Articles ) [92] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Master pool & spa ) [90] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Azul ) [80] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscina Oggi ) [89] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Piscines Ideales ) [240] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool About Salon ) [84] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about .gr is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Renovat Articles ) [216] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Sika Articles ) [18] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [331] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Videos ) [405] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles World Market ) [268] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Your Aqua Spot ) [424] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles ARCHITECTURE ) [264] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Exhibitions ) [70] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Water Treatment ) [72] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. Articles Construction and sale of patios ) [64 ] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Construction and trade of swimming pools ) [256] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Articles ) [478] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming ) [270] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Swimming Pools ) [262] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA , the garden & their accessories. New Market Articles ) [74] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Environment Articles ) [71] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Regional products / Services ) [425] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool/SPA ) [329] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Offers ) [76] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Articles Pool construction stages ) [75] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Interviews ) [65] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Pool Maintenance ) [426] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Landscape ) [83] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrothermal ) [81] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Hydrocosmotechniki ) [427] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool , the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Lighting ) [73] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Articles Pool lighting ) [1] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) [99] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Articles Uncategorized ) ) [term_translations] => Array ( [213 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [147] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [251] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [255] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [235] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [239 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [249] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [245] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [247] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [243] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [253 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [237] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [143] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [259] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [142] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [261 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [146] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [152] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [267] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [201] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [195 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [209] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [187] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [189] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [183] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [179 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [193] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [197] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [191] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [233] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [181 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [171] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [173] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [175] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [277] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [289 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [279] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [219] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [292] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [221] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [223 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [281] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [225] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [294] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [312] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [300 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [326] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [334] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [205] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [354] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [336 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [358] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [378] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [392] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [342] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [372 ] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [346] => Array ( [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) ) [business_categories] => Array ( [200] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. GARDEN Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [194] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Swimming pool lighting [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [208] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [186] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Pool & Architecture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [188] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online pool, SPA, garden & accessories business Water Treatment [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [182] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Heating-Dehumidification Businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [178] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pools, SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Construction Swimming pool trade [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [192] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for the swimming pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Businesses Construction Trade patios [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [196] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online medium for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Environment [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [190] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Regional products / Services [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [232] => Array ( [ wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Companies Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [180] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool Maintenance [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [170] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Businesses Trading of spa services and products [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [174] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Sauna-Whirlpool-Hamam businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [325] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Special applications [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [204] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Garden furniture [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [353] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Repairs - Swimming pool insulation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [357] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic means for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Waterproofing-Protection Companies [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [423] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories.Business Water transportation [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [297] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Business %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep% % %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. BBQ businesses [wpseo_linkdex] => 32 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [274] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. SPA Businesses ) [351] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Spa Businesses & Architecture ) [393] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Businesses %%term_title%% Spa %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPA , the garden & their accessories Businesses Spa Suppliers [wpseo_linkdex] => 46 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [397] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses ARCHITECTURE ) [399] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool/SPA Businesses ) [401] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Landscape Businesses ) [403] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [202] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Landscape Architecture ) [301] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Wood Businesses ) [387] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Outdoor wooden floors ) [327] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA , the garden & their accessories. Businesses Peripheral products ) [303] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Stones ) [305] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Shade businesses ) [385] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business Outdoor synthetic floors ) [383] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Business Synthetic Turf ) [307] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Lighting Businesses ) [166] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Swimming Pool Businesses ) [210] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Pool Insulation Businesses ) [198] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Hotels ) [272] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories POOL Businesses ) [428] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Anti-slip Pool-SPA Businesses ) [355] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories.Business Tiles - Glass tiles - Edges ) [349] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online medium for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Pool Shelter Businesses ) [361] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Fountain Businesses ) [365] = > Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Businesses Water Parks - Games ) [369] => Array ( [wpseo_desc ] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Chemicals Businesses ) [359] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The pool-about. gr is the largest & most authoritative online medium for pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Businesses Pool colors ) [363] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most authoritative online media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Business TECHNOLOGIES ) [395] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, the garden & their accessories. Business Alternative Energy Sources ) [407] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Business Water Analysis Laboratories ) ) [product_cat] => Array ( [276] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Sauna Products [wpseo_linkdex ] => 20 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [288] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [278] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool accessories [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [218] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for the pool, the SPA, the garden & their accessories. Products Pool covers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [291] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool enclosures [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [220] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, the SPA, the garden & their accessories Products Pumps & filtration [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [222] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic media for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Products Pool items [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [280] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most authoritative online resource for Pool, SPA, Garden & Accessories Products Lighting Systems [wpseo_linkdex] => 9 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [224] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => The is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories. Products Automation - Dosers [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [293] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid electronic medium for the pool, SPA, garden & accessories Products Water Parks - Pool Games [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [311] => Array ( [wpseo_title] => Products %%term_title%% %%page%% %%sep%% % %sitename%% [wpseo_desc] => The pool- is the largest & most reliable online resource for swimming pool, SPA, garden & their accessories BBQ products [wpseo_linkdex] => 28 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [335] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] = > is the largest & most reliable online resource for the pool, SPA, garden & their accessories Cleaning Products - Robotics [wpseo_linkdex] => 15 [wpseo_content_score] => 30 ) [377] => Array ( [wpseo_desc] => is the largest & most valid online resource for swimming pools, SPAs, gardens & their accessories. 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Everything about the pool, the SPA, the garden and their accessories...

Permanent Pool Sealing – New Construction

Swimming Pool Waterproofing

Permanent Pool Sealing – New Construction

PERMANENT POOL SEALING Swimming Pool Waterproofing



  1. Swimming pool construction with permanent sealing and protection of the concrete, with the addition of PENETRON ADMIX®, of admixed concrete with endochemical action with crystal growth, inside it.


PENETRON ADMIX®  is an endochemical concrete admixture, for permanent waterproofing and protection, with crystal growth, in powder form and added in a ratio of 0.8 – 1% by weight of cement. As long as the weight measurements are accurate, the consumption of 0.8% per weight of cement of PENETRON ADMIX® is a sufficient and safe amount. The product can be added as it is, in powder, during the production process in the concrete plant, by adding directly to the aggregates (dry before adding water, usually on the conveyor belt – pre-weighed) or even directly to the mixing mixer (for this addition, water-soluble PENETRON ADMIX bags are preferable® SOLUBLE BAGS). Also in the "barrel" of concrete transport, but with previous dissolution in water. The dissolution of PENETRON ADMIX® with water, using a mechanical stirrer. This solution is added to the contents of the transfer "barrel", which at this stage should have a high rotation speed for mixing, up to 5 minutes after adding the last amount of PENETRON ADMIX®. The dissolution of PENETRON ADMIX® with water, using a mechanical stirrer. For greater convenience, the dilution ratio is 9 kg PENETRON ADMIX® (1/2 bag of 18 kg), in 11.5 kg of water and can be made in the specially designed plastic mixing containers of the PENETRON company® (MIXING CONTAINERS 23 Lt), mixing for about 1 minute.



Swimming Pool Waterproofing Swimming Pool Waterproofing


For example, for concrete with a content of 300 kg-cement/m3, about 3 kg/m are required3 PENETRON ADMIX® (mix ratio equal to 1% by weight of cement). If, hypothetically, a 9 m "barrel" is used3,

then we need 3 kg x 9 m3 = 27 kg PENETRON ADMIX® and therefore three "half bags" of 9 kg, so for convenience three mixing containers MIXING CONTAINERS 23 Lt.


It is recommended that the concrete mixes to be used have the appropriate workability (sit) so that they are easier to form with less vibration and so that unworkable spots are avoided. Therefore, in order to achieve the required workability, it is recommended to use certified superfluidizers with addition in the concrete production plant or directly in the barrel at the construction site. Then, the concreting stage is carried out, using the concrete mix with PENETRON ADMIX®.



  1. Sealing concrete break joints with PENEBAR water-inflatable cord systems® SW.


Swimming Pool Waterproofing

We use PENEBAR hydro-inflatable cords to seal concrete stop joints® SW 45 RAPID (rapid swelling) or in the case of a wet environment (as in swimming pool construction) or in anticipation of rain the PENEBAR type®  SW 55 (slow swelling). For the welding of the laces we use the primer PENEBAR® PRIMER, which acts as a stabilizer, but also as a moisture barrier for the substrate. The PENEBAR® SW is placed, after the primer has "pulled", usually half an hour to an hour after its application. In rare cases, with a very wet substrate, it is better to use the slow type of cord, using instead of the primer a metal perforated fastening hoop, 10 mm wide (in 10 meter rolls), placed lengthwise on the surface of the cord and fixing it every 25 – 30 cm with concrete nails.


For concrete up to 20 cm thick, PENEBAR type B is used® SW (rolls of 4 m with a cross-section of 25 x 9 mm), while for more than 20 cm thickness type A is used (rolls of 5 m with a cross-section of 25 x 19 mm). For concrete thicknesses of more than 40 – 50 cm, a second parallel cord should be used at a distance of approximately 30 cm. The PENEBARs® SW should always have a 4 – 5 cm overlap of reinforced concrete. At the joint of the rolls, cut on both sides with a cutter at an angle of 45° and join, bringing the two edges into contact with pressure. We avoid placing one cord on top of the other in the joint.

  1. Repair of concrete nests from unwoven parts, as well as sealing of "morels" and "hairpins" with PENETRON abrasive penetrant® and the repair agent of corresponding technology PENECRETE MORTAR® and repair of cracks with running water with PENEPLUG fast setting crystal growth mortar®.

By mechanical means we widen the holes and nests that have resulted from concreting. Also, by mechanical means we widen the area around the "hairpins" to a width of at least 35 mm and a depth of 20-30 mm. Then we cut the "hairpin" with a wheel about 20 mm in. The "morels" are required to be completely removed or at least cut, creating a 30 x 30 x 40mm reverse wedge recess. We rinse the holes with plenty of water, on the one hand to remove the generated solids, on the other hand to saturate the area with water, which is a necessary condition for the operation of the penetrating, penetrating, sealing material with chemical action and crystal growth PENETRON®  and the same technology repair PENECRETE MORTAR®. On a surface that is wet and without ponds of water, apply an aqueous mixture of PENETRON waterproofing material®, in a mixing ratio of 5 parts PENETRON powder® with 3.5 parts of water (by volume), only in the area of the holes and nests and 1 cm around them. While the application of PENETRON type sealant® is still fresh, we mix PENECRETE MORTAR powder of chemical action and crystal growth repair mortar®, with enough water to achieve the texture we want, like plasticine [usual mixing ratio is 4.5 parts PENECRETE MORTAR® with 1 part of water (by volume)] and fill the holes and nests of the poor concreting. Once the repair mortar PENECRETE MORTAR® pulled, but still moist, followed by a second, local application only, with an aqueous mixture of PENETRON®.


Then we treat water ingress from cracks with PENEPLUG active crystal growth quick setting mortar®, (mixed with a little water, form of gravel). To implement PENEPLUG®, we should widen the cracks with a digging tool to a width of 2-3 cm and with a conical base on the inside, for better anchoring of the tachypekt during its application. We deal with the stop joints in the same way, cutting on both sides with a cutting wheel and then creating a conical "gutter", about 3 cm wide, using a digging tool. Then, we apply the PENEPLUG quick-setting mortar®.


In the case of retrofitting components or piping that require perimeter sealing/sealing, the corresponding perimeter installation of water-inflatable cords PENE Pool Waterproofing is recommended

BAR® SW (recommended type of controlled swelling PENEBAR® SW 55 TYPE B or many times half of type 55 B). The material is placed at a depth of at least 5 cm and covered with fast-setting hydraulic mortar with PENEPLUG crystal growth®.


NOTE: The perimeter cavity for placing the hydro-inflatable cord to be filled, then with the PENEPLUG®, to be in the form of an inverted wedge, for better anchoring of the mortar.



  1. Applying a layer of adhesion and "mud" / cement mortar, to cover the concrete elements and to smooth the walls and bottom of the pool.


First, an adhesion layer is applied to the concrete elements for the application of the main cement mortar. The adhesion layer includes either the application of PENETRON acrylic resin® ACRYLIC BONDCRETETM, insoluble with

indicative consumption 4.9 m2/Lt, or the application of adhesion material, "cast", which consists of 1 part cement with 2-3 parts sand (by volume), mixed in an aqueous solution of 1 part PENETRON acrylic resin® LATEX with two parts water (by volume).


Next, the "guides" are made for the application of the filler or mortar. "Drivers" and "fill" consist of 1 part cement and 3 parts sand mixed in a solution of 1 part PENETRON building resin® LATEX with two to three parts water (by volume), to which polypropylene fibers are added to prevent cracking. The cement content of the leveling mortar and "guides" is 400-500 kg/m3. PENETRON ADMIX is also added®  in a proportion of 0.8 – 1% by weight of cement. If the weight measurements are accurate, the consumption of 0.8% per weight of cement of PENETRON ADMIX® is a sufficient and safe amount. Swimming Pool Waterproofing


NOTE: In all previous applications lime is never used.


  1. Finishing layer of cement mortar (fine or ground).


After the smoothing layer with cement mortar ("slurry"), there is usually a thin layer of mortar with fine aggregates and a very good finish. Especially in cases where pool painting follows (PENECOATTM POOL).


This thin finish layer can be produced with conventional materials such as fine sand and quartz aggregate and high cement content (>400 kg/m3). Alternatively, ready-made product with fine-grained quartz aggregates, PENETRON, can be applied® TOP FINISH FINE, with an indicative consumption of 1.6 kg/m2 per mm of thickness, usually in a gray or white shade. It is recommended to use an adhesion primer (PENETRON® ACRYLIC BONDCRETETM). Swimming Pool Waterproofing



  1. Sealing of cement mortar surface with the conventional sealing system SEALCOATTM FLEX the SEALCOATTM ELASTIC.


In most cases of application of tiles as a final surface, it is recommended to seal the surface of the cement mortar beforehand with SEALCOAT elastic or flexible two-component adhesive sealing mortarTM FLEX (flexible system with mixing 22.68 kg PENETRON® SEALCOAT in solution with 4 kg PENECRYLTM ELASTIC and 3 kg of water) or SEALCOATTM ELASTIC (elastic system with mixing 22.68 kg PENETRON® SEALCOAT with 12 kg PENECRYLTM ELASTIC), depending on the requirements of the project, i.e. small and large requirements for bridging capillary cracks. Apply an aqueous coat of the required SEALCOAT™ FLEX or SEALCOAT™ ELASTIC evenly with a short-bristled brush. The next day, apply a second coat perpendicular to the first. The required consumption of the SEALCOAT™ FLEX mixture ~ 2kg/m2, for a total of 2 coats of SEALCOAT™ ELASTIC is ~ 2.5kg/m2, for a total of 2 layers. It is also possible to reinforce SEALCOAT™ SYSTEMS with glass mesh (5x5 mm frame). In this case, place the glass mesh on the fresh first layer and completely cover the mesh with the second layer, the next day. The addition of glass mesh may increase the consumption of the mixture to about 3 kg/m2 total in both layers.

For bonding tiles over SEALCOAT systemsTM SYSTEMS, a special type of FLEX glue is used for swimming pools.


  1. Swimming Pool Waterproofing
  1. Coating – Finish surface using PENECOAT pool paintTM POOL.


In addition to the usual coating materials for swimming pools, such as tiles, mosaics, granite, etc., the application of polyurethane pool paint PENECOAT is also common.TM POOL, in two or three layers, with an indicative consumption of 0.2kg/m2 per layer. In this case, SEALCOAT systems are not applicableTM SYSTEMS, but paint directly on the final finish surface.


Following is a schematic illustration of discontinuity repairs with PENETRON chemical action and crystal growth materials® of PENETRON INTERNATIONAL LTD.




136 79 AHARNES

TEL: 210 2448250 – FAX: 210 2476803 –

To clarify that the above is not a construction study, but a technical proposal according to the information we have for the corresponding project and based on our best experience and knowledge so far. For more information regarding the safe use, processing and storage of the products contact PENETRON HELLAS, at Product Characteristics Sheet and to Product Safe Use Leaflet for every product you use. Swimming Pool Waterproofing

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